We want to thank all of the people who participated in the call for setting up the THEMED SESSIONS. Finally, with that in mind, we’re making the call for PAPER PRESENTATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS to the session of your interest.
To send them, you should communicate directly with the coordinators of the themed session in which you’d like to participate (their emails are listed), with carbon copy to the conference academic committe: cigc2023@gmail.com. For your proposals, we ask that you include the following requirements:
- Title
- 3-5 keywords
- Author(s)
- Abstract between 500-1000 words
Later, each coordinator (or group of coordinators) will communicate the details of the session. For now, it should be noted that the duration of each presentation should be a maximum of 15 minutes, leaving space for final feedback on the whole session. Likewise, as part of our commitment to the linguistic diversity of the conference, several of the themed sessions will be able to receive presentation proposals in English, Spanish and/or Portuguese. Please check the languages accepted for each session of your interest.
The organizing committee delegates all of the decisions with respect to the sessions to the session coordinator(s), as long as they conform to the criteria and principles of the event; not interfering in the acceptance or rejection of the works presented. Therefore, in the case of any controversy, we ask that you first try to resolve issues with the coordinators, and only if the disagreement persists, go to the central organizing committee.
Below you will find each of the work tables organized according to the thematic axis to which they were registered, by clicking on the title you will find the corresponding summary.
As part of our commitment to the linguistic diversity of the conference, several of the themed sessions will be able to receive presentation proposals in English, Spanish and/or Portuguese. Please check the languages accepted for each table of your interest.
LINE 1 Migration, forced displacement and border (de)construction
- 1.1 Borderland violence and resistance: building spaces of life across treacherous geographies
- 1.2 Migraciones y movilidades: análisis de trayectorias fragmentadas desde el Sur Global
- 1.3 (Un)making of Migrant Urban Citizenship and Urban Borderlands
LINE 2 Movements in defense of territory, autonomy projects, geographies for peace and human rights
- 2.1 El paisaje como instrumento político para la crítica espacial. Experiencias y reflexiones desde América Latina
- 2.2 Movimientos sociales y producción de territorios agrarios
- 2.3 Geografías para la paz: justicias, memorias y feminismos
- 2.4 Geografías críticas de la paz
- 2.5 Justicia ambiental y defensa de territorios: geografiando resistencias desde América Latina, frente a la expansión de conflictos socioambientales
- 2.6 Lo comunitario como alternativa postneoliberal
LINE 3 Socio-spatial (in)justice and uneven development ahead of megaprojects and urban realities
- 3.1 Territorios de exclusión y violencia: espacialidades de la resistencia y feminismos territoriales
- 3.2 The material geographies of global infrastructure: Socio-spatial (in)justice and uneven territorial development
- 3.3 Inhabiting radical housing: on the politics of inhabitation and intersectional struggles
- 3.4 Reestruturação espacial de áreas centrais e gentrificação: fragmentação do espaço urbano e processos de resistências
- 3.5 El extractivismo desde múltiples dimensiones y contextos
- 3.6 The violence of displacement, survival and women’s placemaking
- 3.7 ¿Cambiando el paradigma de la crisis de la vivienda? Soluciones emergentes a través de resistencias radicales y (re)imaginaciones teóricas en América Latina y el Caribe
LINE 4 Counter-cartographies, corpocartographies and other expanded cartographies
- 4.1 Geografía de articulaciones: subjetividades y resistencias colectivas
- 4.2 Cartografías interseccionales para la inclusión. Mujeres con discapacidad
- 4.3 Abolition Geographies, Fugitive Place Making, and Visions of Home
- 4.4 Cartografías de la desigualdad. Miradas a la región México-Centroamérica
LINE 5 Climate crises, ecopolitics, environmental (in)justice and non-human territorialities
- 5.1 Geografía crítica de los animales
- 5.2 Planetary Entanglements: Climate crises, ecopolitics, environmental (in)justice and more-than human territorialities
- 5.3 Desigualdades territoriales, cambio climático, y movilidades en zonas fronterizas de América Latina
- 5.4 Agua, Estado y producción de desigualdades socioecológicas
- 5.5 Pluriversidades y transiciones energéticas
LINE 6 Feminisms, gender, bodies and sexualities
- 6.1 Prácticas y conocimientos diversos en las Geografías feministas y sexualidades
- 6.2 Housing as a feminist issue
- 6.3 Feminist Dissidence in the Global South: Visibilizing Women’s Agency and Spaces of Resistance
- 6.4 Doing geographies of sexualities between mainstreaming and situated challenges
LINE 7 Geographies of racism and racialization, inter-ethnic conflict and variegated landscapes
- 7.1 Geografías racializadas: colonialismo, desposesión y resistencias
- 7.2 Gênero, raça e classe: análises geográficas no período neoliberal
- 7.3 Geografias do ser contra o não-ser: pelo direito à vida, aos corpos e aos territórios no campo e nas cidades latino-americanas
- 7.4 Resignificaciones y luchas por el territorio urbano en ciudades turísticas, coloniales e indígenas de México/América Latina
LINE 8 Teaching-learning geography, geopedagogies and decolonial didactics
- 8.1 Geografías críticas, ¿herramientas para el futuro?
- 8.2 Categories and Epistemicide: Where, How, and What is South?
- 8.3 Writing Against Whiteness: Global South Perspectives on Self-Care and Allyship in Academia
- 8.4 La geografía feminista en la educación
LINE 9 (Counter)geopolitics from Latin America and the Caribbean: dialogues between the Global South and the North
LINE 10 Artivisms and territorial practices from the arts
- 10.1 Literatura y geografías latinoamericanas: extractivismos e imperialismos
- 10.2 Iniciativas artísticas en defensa del territorio
- 10.3 Fictional Political Ecologies through audiovisual, stage and literary narratives
- 10.4 Metrópolis contemporánea del Sur Global: una mirada a través el arte y artivismos en el espacio público
- 10.5 Geografías disruptivas y poéticas divergentes