October 16 and 17, 2023
In the ninth edition of the International Conference of Critical Geographies, we have decided to open the invitation to participate in the virtual modality, in order to take advantage of the technologies that allow us to reduce the spatial-temporal barrier of physical spaces. The purpose is to initiate a debate based on the proposals received from different latitudes of the world around eleven proposed thematic axes, and to broaden the geographical horizons resulting from the different visions of the people who participate.
Thus, through this call for proposals, we announce the dates of the virtual event, which will take place on 16th to 17th October 2023, integrating participantions in the same topics of discussion that we proposed for the inperson event.
We make a clarification in this regard, to participate in the virtual modality is necessary to apply through the form that we share in this call. The works sent to the themed sessions whose call has already closed will be presented exclusively in person in Mexico. The two calls are independent and it is not possible to transfer works from one modality to the other.
Due to the concern that various people have expressed to us, and knowing that, despite the facilities and scholarships that we will offer, it is not always possible to travel to the venue of the event, we have decided to hold two days of virtual sessions prior to holding our conference in Mexico City. In the event there will be an inaugural keynote speech and a closing plenary. This will only consist of presentations addressed to the topics mentioned here.
Paypal link for payments: https://paypal.me/cursoecofem
