

Cinedebate (film-debates)


Cinedebate (film-debates)


Fecha y hora:

25/10/2023 | 18:15 - 20:00


Aula Enrique Yañez, Facultad de Arquitectura, CU-UNAM

Google Maps

Agregar a calendario: Google / Yahoo / ICS (Apple, Outlook, Office, etc.)


Falling Borders, Failing Archives
Shaheer Tarar


In 2016, as Syrian cities were being flattened due to civil war, trenches, walls and migrant detention centres were rising across Europe to prevent the movement of refugees. Based on investigations conducted using aerial imagery and found footage, this film tracks the destruction of homes and the construction of anti-migrant infrastructures as intertwined processes dispersed across space and time. The film runs 30 minutes and is presented across three screens. Each screen presents a different perspective on the events depicted in the film: from above (aerial imagery and maps), from the horizon (found footage) and from a geopolitical distance (footage of global television reports about the events). The film is constructed entirely using found footage and archival material. The film also employs “zooming out” as a narrative technique, starting with events in a neighbourhood in a small Syrian city and slowly zooming out to reveal regional and then global implications.