

Mesa de trabajo (working session groups)


Geografías racializadas: colonialismo, desposesión y resistencias


Yoalli Rodríguez, LaToya Eaves

Date y hour:

23/10/2023 | 16:00 - 18:00


Aula Francisco Centeno, Facultad de Arquitectura, CU-UNAM

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Note: If your abstract is not in the programme, please send it to indicating first name, last name and title of paper.

“We Don’t Do the Recovery School District”: Race, Education, and the Fabulation of Recovery in Black New Orleans
Justin Hosbey

Mestizaje, Water-Land, and Settler Colonialism in Mexico
Meztli Yoalli Rodriguez Aguilera, Ashley Ngozi Agbasoga

La imagen indígena como instrumento para la consolidación de la nación en la frontera amazónica Colombo-peruana (1932-1933)
Allison Rojas

Posrevolución y configuración de geografías de desigualdad
Alaíde Vences Estudillo

“Sustaining Black Neighborhoods and Black Communities:” The Black History Museum in the Wake of Gentrification
Amy Potter, Matthew Cook, LaToya Eaves, Perry Carter, Candace Forbes Bright

"Border-Making in the Hispaniola: The History of the Dominican-Haitian Border and its Social Construction Through Migration and Border Policy During the Era of Trujillo"
Pedro Valdez-Castro