

Mesa de trabajo (working session groups)


Doing geographies of sexualities between mainstreaming and situated challenges


Valerie de Craene, Cesare di Feliciantonio, Gilly Hartal, Maria Rodó de Zárate

Date y hour:

25/10/2023 | 16:00 - 18:00


Salón de actos Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, CU-UNAM

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Note: If your abstract is not in the programme, please send it to indicating first name, last name and title of paper.

Learning from the reactions-to-geographies-of-sexualities-bingo in Belgium
Valerie De Craene

What makes a geographer of sexualities? A self-reflection on positionality, methods and the politics of intersectionality
Lee Eisold

Queer Traffic: Police Violence, Trans Activism and the Circulation of Abolitionism in the Americas
Daniela Maldonado, Amy Rittersbursch, Natalie Oswin, Sergio Montero

Housing sex, Housing work: Researching sex workers’ geographies of inhabitation in Italy
Daniela Morpurgo