

Mesa de trabajo (working session groups)


Abolition geographies, fugitive placemaking and visions of home


Mae Miller-Likhethe, Aaron Mallory

Data e hora:

27/10/2023 | 16:00 - 18:00


Sala Intermedia, Museo de Las Culturas del Mundo

Google Maps

Adicionar ao calendário: Google / Yahoo / ICS (Apple, Outlook, Office, etc.)


Observação: Se o seu resumo não constar do programa, envie-o para cigc2023@gmail.com indicando o nome, apelido e título da comunicação.

A note on incommensurability: are reparations and abolition at odds?
Rachelle Berry

Mapping Safe Harbors: Transatlantic Networks and Abolition Geographies in the Early Twentieth Century
Mae Miller-Likhethe

Organizing Against Dispossession: Abolition and Tenant Organizing as Reclamations of Home
Daniela Aiello

Queer Migrations, South-South Relations, and The Politics of Home in Buenos Aires
Debanuj DasGupta