

Mesa de trabajo (working session groups)


Doing geographies of sexualities between mainstreaming and situated challenges


Valerie de Craene, Cesare di Feliciantonio, Gilly Hartal, Maria Rodó de Zárate

Date y hour:

25/10/2023 | 12:00 - 14:00


Salón de actos Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, CU-UNAM

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Note: If your abstract is not in the programme, please send it to indicating first name, last name and title of paper.

Adopting a Situated and Feminist Perspective to Understand LGBTI+s’ Resistance Mechanisms in Istanbul: An Ethnographic Exploration of an Activist/Researcher in the Field
Neyir Zerey Aydıntuğ

A queer conference in the neoliberal university: Changing contexts and politics
Gilly Hartal

Anglo-American hegemony and linguistic injustice in academia: reflections from lived experience
Maria Rodó de Zárate

Beyond the visible/invisible: critical framework from doing queer geographies in Beirut
Jean Makhlouta