GeoBrujas is a community of women geographers initiated in 2014 in Mexico, with the purpose of providing a critical perspective on the patriarchal verticalities and academicism predominant in universities. This allowed us to notice that our dreams and politics could not be limited by institutional spaces, seeking other ways to make geographies, question the world in which we live, and reframe our forms of community and social engagement. Our geographical path is defined by walking, feeling and sensing different realities.
The Institute of Geography for Peace (IGP) is a non-profit organization legally established on August 30, 2016 in Mexico City. It is a Mexican organization of origin, but international and Latin American of vocation and passion. We are an organization of Latin American geographers who apply our knowledge and practices of Geography in general and of Political Geography in particular, at the service of building conditions of peace and development with justice and dignity for all sectors of society, but especially, for the people and groups historically most marginalized and excluded from society, who live and resist -with great dignity-, despite the conditions of domination and discrimination that current societies reproduce: indigenous peoples, nations and tribes; asylum seekers; internally displaced persons; peasants and workers from both the countryside and the city. Our projects seek to generate transformations in the medium and long term, through teaching-learning strategies designed with the people, groups, collectives, communities and social organizations with whom we work and learn.
The IGP and the international Geopaz Network that accompanies it are made up of geographers, humanists and social scientists, as well as people with diverse backgrounds, who promote and defend human rights and accompany the work of human rights defenders. Through research, training, and social and political advocacy, we seek to strengthen the capacities of individuals, groups, communities, and social organizations for dialogue, negotiation, and the construction of agreements. We promote local mechanisms for dialogue and citizen participation to help foment a culture of peace and respect for human rights in pluralistic and democratic societies, where crises and social conflicts are resolved peacefully, through dialogue, and nonviolently through the construction of agreements between all parties involved.
Internal organizing committee:
Valeria Ysunza (GeoBrujas-Comunidad de Geógrafas; IGP-Geopaz)
Aritz Tutor Anton (UPV-EHU; Espais Crítics)
Eduard Montesinos Ciuró (Universitat de Barcelona/Universidad de Sevilla; IGP-Geopaz)
Emiliano Ignacio Díaz Carnero (El Colegio de la Frontera Norte [El Colef]; Instituto de Geografía para la Paz [IGP-Geopaz])
Francys Cárdenas Ferrucho (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional/Universidad Externado de Colombia; IGP-Geopaz)
Frida Itzel Rivera Juárez (GeoBrujas-Comunidad de Geógrafas)
Gabriela Fenner S. (GeoBrujas-Comunidad de Geógrafas)
Iván Martínez Zazueta (Posgrado en Geografía, UNAM)
Jess Linz (University of Manchester)
Karla Helena Guzmán Velázquez (GeoBrujas-Comunidad de Geógrafas)
Luz Elena García Martínez (Profesora del Colegio de Geografía, UNAM)
Magdalena Moreno (UNTref [Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina])
Rubén Galicia Castillo (Geógrafo Independiente)
Uriel Salcedo Torres (IGP-Geopaz)